I want to give all the exam appearing student to be great success in result. There are hundred of student who have to wait for his/her result for a long time. The time has changed now a days. students can watch their result as publish as posting in the online website. There are many website in nepal which task is to collect the visitor to improve the presence of website appearing online. I want to share the some souce of result that is very helpful for our cute students. You can visit many website some of them are http://neb.ntc.net.np/ http:/hseb.ntc.net.np/. The appearance of these website will be as follows.
There is another method to find Result system. The system is called SMS. If student wants to find their result from mobile then they should open sms message box. In the SMS box they need to type exam symbol number very carefully. If they do any mistake, the telecom cut the balance. All the system is not compulsory. The compulsory is that mobile should have sufficient balance.
All the students can visit http://neb.ntc.net.np/ website to find the result. If you have internet connection in your mobile phone then you can open this page using many browser such as opera mini, google chrome, Firefox, internet explorer and many more. There is no any to worry you can see the result from your mobile internet enabled set. Your internet connect should be little fast otherwise this may not load fast as we think.
If the student don't have internet GPRS suported mobile then they can also use IVR services. In this services student need to dial 1600 for SLC result and 1601 for HSEB Result. They should hear the sound after dialing the IVR number from their mobile set. The Instruction will be hear . They should now follow the instruction hear by mobile set. I think if system asked your full symbol number then dial symbol number. After the moment system will be replay that You have passed in distraction first second third division, and the same way if student get fails on any subject then they will hear negative massage. The negative massage means "Sorry !!! You have failed !!! No Data is listed in the database. In this way we can easily find HSEB and SLC result without wasting of time in few moment of time.

Hence by following the avobe easy method you can easily find SLC result and HSEB Result as soon as possible. You can also print out your marksheet. If your family and future teachers asked the certificate to get admission submitting. I have you have bored after writing this contain because i was full tired typing whole night. My father is crying to close the programme. Thank You.
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